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K.EY Energy transition Expo.. The first Conferences About Energy In Italia

The first K.EY ENERGY SUMMIT between the main Italian associations of the sector and the Government and the 1st Report on the production geography of renewables in Italy are scheduled

Rimini, March 20th, 2023Dozens of events, defined by the Technical Scientific Committee in collaboration with the most important national and foreign Associations, which will feature authoritative speakers and lecturers from the world of academia, research, institutions and companies.

The international conference programme of K.EY – The Energy Transition Expo organized by Italian Exhibition Group includes conventions, meetings and debates that from 22 to 24 March will take turns in the Agora and halls of the Rimini Expo Centre to delve into the theme of energy transition at 360°, with a focus on Africa and countries bordering the Mediterranean: an educational and professional development opportunity, but also an opportunity to stay informed on legislative aspects, development trends, emerging markets and all the latest technology and product innovations from the energy and renewables fields.



On Wednesday 22 March, 11.30 a.m., at Sala Neri 1, the ITALIA SOLARE information and technology update event dedicated to industry professionals.



On Wednesday, March 22, 2 p.m., at Sala Neri 1 (South Hall), the first K.EY ENERGY SUMMIT – Stati Generali delle Fonti Rinnovabili, a moment of public debate promoted by ANEV, Elettricità Futura, ITALIA SOLARE, Consorzio Italiano Biogas, Federidroelettrica, ANIE Rinnovabili, Assoidroelettrica and Coordinamento FREE, to submit to the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security, in the presence of Hon. Vannia Gava, Deputy Minister of the MASE, organic and coordinated proposals for the accelerated development of renewable energy in order to achieve the 2030 targets and to transfer to the community the advantages of renewable sources, in terms of low and stable energy costs, reduction of dependence from abroad, increased energy security, containment of polluting and climate-altering emissions. The event opens with the introduction and welcome of Corrado Peraboni, CEO of Italian Exhibition Group. Nicola Saldutti, journalist of Corriere della Sera, will moderate.


On Thursday 23 is the turn of the 1st Report on the Production Geography of Renewables in Italy presentation, promoted and realized by Fondazione Symbola and Italian Exhibition Group, in collaboration with the main trade associations of the sector, to reconstruct the characteristics and territorial and sectoral distribution of companies in the renewable energy sector in Italy. The event opens with the welcome of Corrado Peraboni, CEO of Italian Exhibition Group. Session Chairman Ermete Realacci, President of Symbola Foundation. The Round Table will feature a video message from Francesco Starace, CEO Enel and will be attended by: Nicola Lanzetta, Director of Enel Group Italy, Alessandra Toschi, CEO BayWa re, Letizia Magaldi, CEO Magaldi Spa, Ing. Marco Peruzzi, Executive Vice President Institutional Affairs, Regulatory & Climate Change Division Edison, Avv. Luca Bragoli, Chief Regulatory & Public Affairs Erg, Francesco Amati, General Manager of Vestas Italy and Turkey, Marco Rastelli, Electrification & Automation Country Business Unit Head of Siemens Smart Infrastructure in Italy and Stefano Scazzola, Head of Renewable Development ENGIE Italia. The meeting is at 11 a.m. in the Innovation Square – Hall Sud. Journalist Riccardo Luna will moderate. 


Great emphasis on international events, with a special focus on African countries. Renewable Energy Investments in Africa: The Role of Energy Storage for Rapid RES Development is the event organized by RES4Africa Foundation and K.EY, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and ITA-Italian Trade Agency, scheduled on Thursday, March 23.

On Thursday 23 and Friday 24, two events organized by Ibesa – International Alliance for Battery and Energy Storage (EUPD Research Top Brand PV ITALY Conference and EUPD Research Mediterranean Solar & Storage Market Briefing) take stock of the PV sector in Italy and Europe.

The focus on Africa and the Mediterranean region is confirmed by the event South Africa and Italy: joint projects toward the Just Energy Transition, organized by Andersen in Italy (March 23).

Finally, Shallow geothermal energy: a valid and substantial aid to energy saving for a building totally independent of fossil sources in Europe, organized by CNR – ISAC (March 22).



On Wednesday, March 22, simultaneously with K.EY, the third edition of ForumTech, ITALIA SOLARE information and technology update event focused on the role of storage systems in the electricity market, technological challenges for O&M in Italy, and end-of-life management of photovoltaic modules, takes place.

The K.EY conferences programme also dedicates an important space to the topic of agrivoltaics, to which are dedicated the events Agrivoltaics: The State of the art in the world, a comparison international experiences (March 23, organized by AIAS), Agrivoltaics and cities: a possible combination in the sign of decarbonization (March 23, organized by Clust-ER Greentech), Sustainable Agrivoltaics. Definitions, Rules, Safety (March 24, by ENEA) and Research and Innovation at disposal of photovoltaics and agrivoltaics sector – Experiences and ambitions in Europe (March 24, by ETA Florence Energie Rinnovabili, with the support of Rete Nazionale Agrivoltaico Sostenibile, EURAC, Rete NFV).

Also discussed on Thursday, March 23, are The storage for the flexibility of the electricity system (organized by ANIE) and Floating Photovoltaics: guidelines and best practices (by Coordinamento FREE).

On the wind power front, ANEV organized the events Wind offshore and Aeolian repowering on Thursday 23. On Offshore Wind, a technology that has seen strong dynamics in the past two years, there is also a conference by the K.EY Technical Scientific Committee: Wind Offshore – Blueconomy. The opportunity of offshore wind in Emilia Romagna.


From the perspective of authorizations, regulatory aspects, simplifications and bureaucracy, meetings organized respectively by the Technical Scientific Committee of K.EY, Italy 4 Climate (an initiative of the Sustainable Development Foundation), Elettricità Futura, Legambiente, Althesys, ENEA and MANZ Italia are scheduled on Thursday, March 23.

The important role of Regions in energy planning, identification of suitable areas, permitting of wind farms and solar power plants, and in accelerating the deployment of energy communities is analyzed by the event The role of Regions in speeding up the sustainable development.

False myths about renewables – Cultural bias blocking the Transition intends to debunk 5 false myths, examining bureaucratic and territorial obstacles and the cultural “block” that generates sometimes distorted information, the cause of the much slower pace at which renewables are growing in Italy compared to other European countries.

Renewable permits: Time for Action! focuses on the need to speed up the authorization processes, starting from the 2030 Italian electricity sector plan elaborated by Elettricità Futura, which includes over 360 billion euros of economic benefits, in terms of added value for the supply chain and related industries, 540 thousand new jobs in the electricity sector and its industrial supply chain, and the connection to the grid of 85 GW of new renewables, bringing to 84% the renewables in the electricity mix.

Checkmate to the renewables. What are the blocks that prevent the development of renewable sources in Italy? At what point are we with the simplifications? examines the obstacles still to be overcome to reach 86 GW of renewables by 2030.

How to transfer the growing volumes of renewable generation from the spot market to the forward market? How to prepare the ground for storage and other forms of flexibility? How to painlessly manage the transition to different market configurations and mechanisms? What will be the consequences for consumers? These are the questions the Electricity Market, is the reform getting closer? Security, affordability and decarbonisation for a new market aims to answer.

Finally, What is the status of the Italian Battery Supply Chain? takes stock one year after the “IPCEI on Batteries” and the “IPCEI European Battery Innovation – EuBaTin.”


Green hydrogen as a functional vector for the energy transition, hydrogen valleys and decarbonization of industry, especially in hard-to-abate sectors, are the focus of the events organized by ENEA, H2IT and ANIMA.

Green hydrogen: from production technologies to its use in hydrogen Valleys (March 23) asks how renewable and hydrogen production coupling projects configured, what the technical difficulties are, and how European legislation and regulation impact the development of this energy sector.

The event Decarbonization of industry passes through hydrogen (March 24) focuses on the key role of hydrogen in reducing CO2 emissions and achieving the decarbonization of heavy industry, such as those in steel, glass and ceramics, but also on the technological development of new applications and components.


There is room for energy efficiency in the industrial and construction sectors in the conferences programme of K.EY – The Energy Transition Expo. Among the main events, there is The new EPBD a step in the path of decarbonization of the built environment (March 22) by K.EY’s CTS and Green Building Council Italia, the main partner of the Sustainable Building District, the themed area dedicated to green and sustainable building.

Energiesprong Italia, Edera Impresa Sociale and Kyoto Club organize EPBD: the large-scale redevelopment Energiesprong as a way to correct energy transition (March 22), a meeting to take stock of the need to use innovative off-site technologies to make large-scale redevelopment of the built environment possible.

On the tools needed to relaunch the energy efficiency of our building stock after the end of Superbonus is dedicated another event organized by KyotoClub, The key role of Energetic Efficiency in construction industry as a stimulus for the energy transition (March 24), while Electrification of Consumption: the opportunities for companies organized by Fire (March 24), will show how to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions of companies in the tertiary sector and in industry through the electrification of energy consumption.



Where are we with e-mobility in Europe and what is Italy’s role? These are some of the questions that the e-mobility-themed events at K.EY seek to answer.

Let’s start with From photovoltaic to the electric car: intelligent energy in the company, an event by Vaielettrico on the electrification of company fleets (March 22).

The world match of the electric car: the current status in Europe and Italy is the event organized by Motus-E and Transport & Environment that photographs the state of the art, reflecting on technological aspects (March 23).

Organized by ANIE, the conference Italy towards the electric transition: tools to support e-mobility and a look at Europe aims to illustrate the current tools to support the car and electric recharging infrastructures in Italy, representing a critical moment to make reflections with the Regulatory Authority and the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security (March 24).


The commitment to zero emissions in cities, with a special focus on buildings is the focus of Climate Neutral and Smart Cities: the “building challenge” for Italian pilot cities, a Round Table organized by K.EY’s CTS with Kyoto Club and SITdA with the Italian cities participating in the European Commission’s initiative “cities mission” on smart and climate neutral cities by 2030 (23 March).

The K.EY CTS and LUMI organize the event New Urban Models. Beyond the Smart City. Driving the transition toward sustainable, efficient and resilient cities and territories, a discussion on projects and changes, with the presentation of a series of best practices on monitoring and control solutions through data: from sustainable mobility systems to environmental monitoring solutions and energy efficiency interventions, but also new paradigms, such as that of renewable energy communities, and new urban models, such as the 15-minute city (23 March).


Public and private lighting is featured at K.EY with five talks organized in collaboration with AIDI (Italian Lighting Association) entitled Incontri di Luce. The meetings take place at the Arena Encounters of Light (stand 021 – Pav. B3) to explore the importance of lighting in the smart and sustainable cities of the future: an opportunity for professionals, experts, companies, utilities and Public Administration to exchange views, recount their experiences and reflect on the future of increasingly smart, interactive and sustainable lighting. They will talk about sustainable light and renewable energy communities (March 22), new lighting technologies and data sharing in the urban context (March 23), dynamic light and visual comfort in buildings (March 23), and proper maintenance in the cities of the future (March 23). Critical issues and opportunities for virtuous public-private collaboration will also be explored, in relation to PNRR and the new procurement code (March 24).



Organized by EdizioniAmbiente, Salotto Solare (Workshop Arena Hall B7) is set up as a space for discussion and debate on different ways of approaching energy, offering different interpretation through the presentation of five books, which stand as fragments of a broader discourse, destined to become increasingly central to the debate.

On Wednesday, March 22, Marco Gisotti presents Ecovisions (EdizioniAmbiente 2022), reflecting on the relationship in the history of cinema with energy and the environment. Livio De Santoli presents Energy for People (Castelvecchi 2022) and discusses the interactions between energy, economy, society, and culture, taking suggestions from science fiction as well as sports, and progressive music of the 1970s.

On Thursday 23, Stefano Belletti presents Green and Digital (EdizioniAmbiente 2022), a collection of “travel notes” for those who are facing the path of digital business transformation, alternating theoretical considerations with a pragmatic approach, with more than 200 implementation cases and six case histories of Italian excellence. Gianluca Ruggieri presents What is the ecological transition (Altraeconomia 2021), a book that talks about the ecological transition with different voices and perspectives.

On Friday, March 24, Gianni Silvestrini presents his What is the renewable energy (EdizioniAmbiente 2022), winner of the 2022 Demetra Prize for Environmental Literature. The book presents a comprehensive and up-to-date overview of technologies for producing and storing energy without emitting carbon dioxide, from the most established such as photovoltaics and biomass to the most innovative such as offshore wind and of storage. At the same time, he highlights the limitations and environmental impacts of the current fossil-based system, and makes clear why focusing on nuclear power today and slowing the exit from gas is holding back the response to the climate emergency as opposed to the high road of reduced consumption and renewables.

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